Week 15: Acros The Universe

Roll 28 of the year and it’s back to my new favourite combination of the Yashica-Mat 124G and Fujifilm Neopan Acros. I shot this roll on a short walk around Cossington Meadows, the nature reserve I mentioned previously, that we’ve just moved within a couple of hundred meters of.

Most of these pictures were shot at f/32 and with either a yellow or orange filter. It was late in the day and raining, so there were some lengthy exposures. All were taken with a tripod.

I processed and scanned within a couple of hours of getting home, just because I needed my weekly, 52Rolls fix…Cossington Meadows (1 of 7)Cossington Meadows (2 of 7)Cossington Meadows (3 of 7)Cossington Meadows (4 of 7)Cossington Meadows (5 of 7)Cossington Meadows (6 of 7)Cossington Meadows (7 of 7)

It’s a lovely place to have so close to home and somewhere I guess you’ll see quite a bit of in the next 37 weeks…



Yashica-Mat 124G, Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100, metered with an iPhone. Processed in Ilfotec HC for 6 minutes (at 18C) and scanned on an Epson v500. Photoshop got rid of the staggering amount of dust that the film had managed to accumulate.

Previously on 52 Rolls:

Week 14 continued: Portrawesome!

Week 14: Balda Goes Boating

Week 13: Ooops, I Did It Again

Week 12: Say Hello Dorothy

Week 11 continued: Zenit 12сд

Week 11: A Yashica Relief

Week 10: The Beacon Spinner

Week 9, part 4: Emily’s Party

Week 9, part 3: Delta Doofus

Week 9 revisited: Good News, Good News

Week 9: Good News, Bad News

Week 8: Newcastle

Week 7: 68 Miles

Week 6: Yashica Test

Week 5 continued: Bronica SQ-A

Week 5: More Nikon F2A

Week 4 continued: Nikon F2

Week 4: Farewell Lubitel

Week 3: Reset

Week 2 continued: Scanning

Week 2: Delta 3200

Week 1: Agfa Billy Record

Week 0: Late Already


12 thoughts on “Week 15: Acros The Universe

  1. I suppose I repeat myself, but get one of these printed in a wet lab on Baryta and you will be surprised how different they look 🙂


  2. These are beautiful. I especially like the very first one. Something a little creepy about them even though it’s a lovely spot. But I like creepy.

    Liked by 1 person

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