Fresno cemetery and Fuji Wide60

I bought this Fuji Wide60 from a friend without knowing if it worked.   It does, but it has a few issues. one of the bits on the bottom of the camera that’s supposed to push in and hold your roll in place doesn’t stay in.   Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to matter at all. The focusing…

Weeks 43, 44, and 45

Week 43 (08/13– 08/20) – Pentax 67ii – HP5, Six Flags Week 44 (08/20 – 08/27) – Leica M2 – Expired Portra 160vc – Lake Tahoe Week 45 (08/27 – 09/03) – Pentax 67ii – Acros 100   

52 Rolls Week 45:52

The Sioux Falls: Another Perspective: And Yes it was cold enough for some areas to freeze: See more of the Falls and Environs Here. I see that many participants and burning out and dropping out.  I’m so close to finishing, and I have tons of photos from this Trip through the Plains………So you’ll have to…

52 Rolls Week 44:52

A Tour of what I’m calling ‘Americana’ from our Recent Road Trip.  Sometime wonderful, quirky or kitsch…just things we saw driving the back roads in Valentine, Nebraska: Or something seen upon our Arrival at our destination Sioux Falls, South Dakota: See More Americana here. Tech Info:  Minolta X-7– with Tamron 28-200 zoom lens:  Kodak Portra…

I Quit

It’s already near the end of the year. Life got the better of me this time. While I shot at least 35 rolls of medium format and have developed and scanned them, I just don’t have it in me to write the rest of the posts. I am certainly not going to shoot another 17…

Honkfest West Yashica A TLR

I shot these Yashica TLR photos back in June, and have just finished scanning them. Honkfest is a street band festival that happens in many cities around the U.S. at different times of the year.  Tons of bands come into town and play for 3 days in different locations around the city.   Boston, NY, Austin,…

Eastern WA with a 16mm fisheye

This was back in July.  (I’m so far behind in scanning.) One of the cameras I brought out that day was a Minolta XG-1 that a friend found in a box a street corner one day.      I don’t remember where I got the 16mm Sigma lens. I was using the camera’s light meter, and it…

52 Rolls Week 43:52

Still on our road trip through the Plains.  Many interesting things seen along the way….So I will pose the question to you.  What is this? The story is, we had stopped at a roadside rest area along the interstate highway when I spied this going on across the road.  So what are they loading in…

Wk 42(2017) Badlands of South Dakota

This roll of Portra 400 was shot in the area around Wall SD. We visited the Minuteman Missile silo national monument and the Badlands national park. This is the back side of the hatch covering a decommissioned Minuteman silo. In the event of a launch, the hatch would be propelled toward the camera position, clearing…

52 Rolls Week 42:52

Who knew there was so much going on in South Dakota?  We’ve made two trips there this year and still finding more to do. Perhaps appropriate on Pearl Harbor Day to take a look at some Cold War History….. This famous quote greets you at the entrance to the Minuteman Missile Museum. And as our…

Wk 41(2017) Carhenge

“Carhenge was conceived in 1987 by Jim Reinders as a memorial to his father. While living in England, he studied the structure of Stonehenge, which helped him to copy the structure’s shape, proportions, and size. Other automobile sculptures were subsequently added to the location of Carhenge, which is now known as the Car Art Reserve.”…