Rolls 24 and 26 More of My Town

I started the “My Town” project as a way to keep myself interested for the year, but it has turned into a thing for me. I have already documented numerous homes that are no longer there, at first by accident and then, more recently, I’ve been searching for likely candidates. Anyway to speed up the catching up process I’ve grouped these two. Roll 24 is Ektar 100 on the Diana (notice a film trend here?) and Roll 24 is Ektar 100 on the Isolette. These are just typical rotting stuff. The brick building is an example of multilayered multiunit totally nonconforming residential stuff.

This one is an unintentional double exposure that I really like.


And this caught my eye while wandering down an alley. Someone placed a bunch of tiny baubles on a scraggly looking tree.


Roll 26 included these gems

The next pictures show the ongoing transformation of the house two blocks from my old place. It started the year as an abandoned hoarder house. Eventually it was stripped and the contents loaded into several large dumpsters. Now it sits barren waiting for the next step, likely a remodel since it hasn’t been scraped. It’s actually kind of creepier now that it’s been cleaned up, because you can see how it was rotting from the inside.

Finally, here’s the latest in the “soon to be gone” category. Of course the chain link fence is a dead giveaway, but I think I may have taken some shots of this one earlier this year. By now, it has been knocked down except for two walls which were left up so it could be permitted as a “remodel”. Shots of that on a later roll.


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