Week 34 – Killing Film

A wander around town with G, E and the Leica, loaded this time with Agfa Vista 200 – aka PoundLandFilm.

Over the course of the first half dozen rolls through the Leica, I lost half of the first frames because I’d not wound on far enough before starting. Accidentally, one of the shots that I took as I moved the film to the first frame was of my feet. Since then, frame one has been deliberately of the floor. It might make for an interesting project over the years…Blog-1Leicester’s Mela festival.Blog-2Blog-3We stopped off in the pub to have our picture taken by Leicester Lo-Fi and their Afghan Box Camera. It is a camera and darkroom in one, with the chemicals inside the box. The result is at the bottom of this post…Blog-4…with G sporting her new hair do.Blog-5The streets were quiet late on Sunday afternoon and E enjoyed the space…Blog-6Blog-7Blog-8And in the evening, I settled down with Bob.Blog-9Blog-10


Leica M6, Summicron-M 35mm ASPH, Agfa Vista 200 (from Poundland), processed and scanned by FilmDev.


5 thoughts on “Week 34 – Killing Film

  1. After several years fighting with my IIIc I finally decided to sell the thing, I’m sticking to my Contax G2 and IIIa from now on 🙂


  2. Love this film forever. Nice shots. And the last one…would love to know more about how that set up works. You all look very appropriately ghostly for the season.


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